EB-2 NIW: Understanding the Key Factors – Impact of the Proposed Endeavor

When applying for the EB-2 National Interest Waiver (NIW), one of the crucial elements that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) evaluates is the "Impact of the Proposed Endeavor." This factor is essential in determining whether the applicant's work holds national importance and contributes significantly to the U.S.

Here’s a detailed exploration of this factor:

What Does "Impact of the Proposed Endeavor" Mean?

This factor refers to how the applicant’s work benefits the United States at a broad, national level. It goes beyond personal success or localized contributions to emphasize how the work will affect industries, government policies, economic development, or public welfare. For example, an applicant who works in renewable energy could argue that their innovations help reduce the country's reliance on non-renewable energy, addressing environmental concerns that are important on a national scale.

USCIS looks for contributions that make a tangible difference in a particular field or society as a whole. The applicant must show that their work aligns with U.S. interests and contributes to progress, growth, or national well-being.

Factors to Consider When Demonstrating Impact

  • National Importance: The endeavor must have a direct or indirect positive effect on national industries, policies, or public interests. Fields like healthcare, technology, education, and national security are prime examples of industries with national significance.

  • Future Impact: It’s not just about what the applicant has done, but what they are poised to achieve in the future. The potential for sustained contributions that could have a far-reaching impact is key.

  • Societal, Economic, or Scientific Contributions: Does the proposed work advance U.S. capabilities in science, technology, or the economy? Applicants must connect their contributions to larger, national benefits.

Real-Life Example

A researcher specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) may have work that contributes to national security or technological innovation, addressing both private sector needs and federal interests. Their work could improve efficiency, security, or innovation in industries that have nationwide implications, such as defense or cybersecurity.

Global Implications Within a Field

Another consideration in the EB-2 NIW application is how the applicant’s work may have global implications within a particular field. Although the focus is on the national impact, it is important to show that the work is significant enough to influence global standards or practices, further elevating the U.S.’s role in that field.

For example, contributions to global public health or climate science can position the U.S. as a leader in these fields, emphasizing that the applicant’s work extends beyond national borders, but still has significant implications for the U.S.

Impracticality of a Labor Certification

Finally, a core element of the EB-2 NIW is proving that obtaining a labor certification (a standard requirement for other employment-based immigration categories) is impractical or unnecessary. This means the applicant’s work is so important that it would be counterproductive or overly restrictive to require a traditional labor market test to show that no U.S. worker could perform the job.

This criterion is fulfilled when the applicant can demonstrate that their skills and expertise are unique and would serve the national interest in ways that a typical U.S. worker could not. It emphasizes the applicant’s role in advancing the field beyond what is achievable through routine employment.


The "Impact of the Proposed Endeavor" is a fundamental aspect of the EB-2 NIW application process. Applicants must clearly outline how their work benefits the United States on a national level, with an eye toward the future implications and broader societal impacts. By presenting strong evidence, applicants can demonstrate that their endeavors are in the national interest and warrant the waiver of the traditional labor certification process.

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